Tuesday 19 June 2007

7 June Saline on Pashman

0700 Awake, Mossies fed quicker than I was last night. Hot morning. Two boats are leaving the Flotilla. Quay ablutions good. Mike and I got the wrong milk it should be so low in fat that it makes water look like soup.
0900 Briefing in an Ice Cream Parlour. Saline Bay SW of Island. Decided with Pegasus to eat on board. Sailed to mid island through a narrow channel under a bridge.
0945 Mike being forced into a fashion parade. E putting her foot down and insisting he changes his one pair of shorts as his is beginning to smell and people are passing him coins in the street.
1000 Great fun unmooring. Had to release the shore line then jump aboard, Mike pulling us off with the Lazy Line said "We have trouble with the rubber duck! I go forward and it seems O.K. It is tied on the guard rail. M says "Its not tied on! I say "It is, the line is on the guardrail!" "No tother end" says Mike. James dives in and retrieves it. Definitely a prize at the end of the week for this.
1045 Long slow sail then another Laurel and Hardy incident. Tried the RYA approved method of loop over buoy. Finally achieved it will excellent instructions from the helm (Mary), only for Mike to walk forward to watch the rope sink stepping off the tother end of the line. All watched by Pegasus.
1230 Lunch then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
1400 Leave Gospa, tried to sail but no wind, hot. Elaine is wearing her elephant dung hat, she looks like a mushroom.
1500 Elaine has not had a wee all day, Mary reports that she is regular.
1630 Picked up a buoy alongside Pegasus all swimming, bloody cold at first. RR snorkeling. Mary spraying me with "Aftersun" which is setting like varnish and I am beginning to craze.
1630 Mike and I rowed across to the other restaurant only to be told that they were not opening. They were painting the landing stage so it was another case of Wet Dicks.
1745 Elaine moaning about the cooking utensils... Its a boat Elaine, not a bloody hotel!
1830 Elaine shows her "Unwrap Me" drawers. I lost my appetite.
1900 Great boat meals prepared by the girls, champagne cocktails served and a toast to Auntie Dorothy drunk. Played cards until it was too dark to see then bed.

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