Monday 18 June 2007

3 June Zlarin

Log 512 miles
Chris has been ill with the squits all night and looks rough. Is this the shape of things to come. Talking of shapes - Elaine told me about The Bristol Stool Firmness Chart. This rates stools from one to six, four being the perfect stool whereas one is like goats droppings and six is like the River of Babylon.
Met Alan and Anna on "Vega" she is Polish and he is Irish, interesting combination.
Briefing and all the doos and donts spelled out by Jay. Girls go shopping for essentials and Mike hosts boat familiarisation on "Draco".
Breakfast of Am n Negs then at 1130 off we go to Zlarin. Weather overcast but warm
1300 S.East of Zlarin stop for a late lunch in a small bay. "Pegasus" rafts alongside. There is a boat already moored in there with plastic bags piled in the stern, bodies? Then in comes another boat with more bags and a tame cormorant on the aft rail.
1620 Moored stern to in Zlarin and prepared for a punch party. Chris is looking better but tired. Someone started to play the trumpet on a boat near us! Time to go to the party. Went for walkabout in the narrow streets before punch party. Punch party under the mulberry trees, met rest of flotilla but cannot remember anyone's name. No alcohol for me.
Following meal back to Pegasus for party, 13 people on Pegasus then invaded by two Germans, one carrying a pepper pot and Snapps, not to be sneezed at!
Snap Crackle and Pop monsters under our boat, what is that? Slept till 0500.

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