Tuesday 19 June 2007

11 June Kirka Falls

Log 634.3
0900 Walked to Kirka Falls with Mike, Elaine, Min, Mary and Rog. Lots of butterflies, dragonflies, birds, toads, lizards and other underfoot animals. Took about 40 minutes, the rest went by boat. Assembled at the entrance and then went for coffee.
1000 Walked to the top of the falls, very beautiful and very well laid out. Thousands of fish, insect and bird life together with frogs and snakes. Lovely! I walked a circular route down over a form of duckboard walk way, some took a boat further up river to a Monastry and some returned the original way.
1100 Met at lower falls and self, Mary, Jim and Elaine went for a swim. Super. Sat under the falls for a water massage and swam in fresh water.
A grand day out!
1600 James said the RT could not be fixed here will try and do it in Sibenik when we refuel. He repaired our deck brush.
1930 Meal in town RR and I have a mutual friend Jack Vokes.
2330 Book and bed,

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