Tuesday 19 June 2007

6 June Sali on Dugi Ortoc

Log 569.6
We owe lead boat park fees.
0700 Awake, some cloud, warm, perfect. Mike snoring in the background, Mary spilling tea, Elaine rereading what she read yesterday, me waiting for the tea to kick in the Bristol Factor, I cant wait to rate it, must get a chart for back of lavvy door!.
0930 Slipped mooring and motored to U Mir, picked up a buoy and took rubber duck to shore. Walked to cliff edge through a camp site then to a sea water lake. Watched donkeys doing donkeys, I miss television and will watch anything!
Min stayed on boat for fear of rubber duck and snakes.
1230 Sailed off mooring then gentle sail to SW of Katina Island for lunch. Bread, salami, cheese, olives, tomatoes and a beer, magic. There was some confusion over lunch spot. RR was not where I thought he should be. GPS fix then found they were in U Cuscica bay through narrows.
Slight altercation as we had layed our anchor over Pegasus but Mikes helming preserved our dignity.
1540 On passage to Sali, is Gracie Fields singing tonight?
1630 Mary moored us stern to in a busy port.
2020 Cocktails then a walk around harbour to a restaurant which specialised in very slow service.
2200 Still not served.
2315 Finally paid the bill 1330K

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