Tuesday 19 June 2007

15 June Kremin Marina Last Stop

Log 684.1
0700 Awake it is starting to hot up earlier just as it did the last time we were in Croatia. They like their bells here, Mary counted 250 rings. This was repeated later in the morning. Need to select choices from menu for tonight, I don't know what I will feel like then.
1030 Breakfast in the Marina. Briefing SE to Kremic Marina where we finally leave the boats
1100 Wind increasing from 3 to 5 on the nose bashing into the waves after initially trying to sail but abandoned this as it was too uncomfortable.
1400 Entered bay after watching Sanibel go crashing by on full sail. They had engine trouble.
1430 Lunch on dragging anchor then followed the lead boat in.
1500 Cleaned boat very hot little breeze.
Memories - Rog saying 'Over and out' Mary offering herself to the fleet by saying 'Where do you want me' Chris - 'Roger demanding in the race that "We must get the whores out' Rog being asked by a German why he was running his engine when moored. "To recharge the batteries as the fridge was on". Ah he said 'Just like the U boat. Chris borrowing my bum cream after a Mexican Chili. Helping Elaine into her trousers with a system of pulleys and levers 'They did fit once!'
1700 Chara into Primosten, it has changed dramatically. Memories of Cole-Morgan mounting a revolt with past flotilla about high charges. He upset a woman who said she did not like him. She later apologised.
Primosten, Fortuna bar outside, cool breeze, drinking Bavaria beer with team. Discussion about a dinner party where people were checked if they were a complete man. Trevor Helen won being uncircumcised and not snipped. The virginity of the girls posed a problem.
2100 Prize giving. Mel, bowlin mounted on board. Bob, super hero, power rangers. Self, toy radios Rog, Wooden Cup.

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