Thursday 12 July 2007

The Bristol Stool Formation Scale

I just love this. It sounds like a Formation Dance Groups, music sheet.
It reads;

Type 1 Separate hard lumps like nuts (Hard to pass) (Hell!)

Type 2 Sausage shape a bit lumpy

Type 3 Like a sausage but with cracks on the surface (Ive gone off bangers!)

Type 4 Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft

Type 5 Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (Passed easily)

Type 6 Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mussy stool

Type 7 Watery, no solid pieces ENTIRELY LIQUID

Who was the poor bugger who was given this task of cataloguing this in the first place, he deserves a medal.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

16 June Killing time

Total log 205
0600 Awake, best nights sleep so far! Typical...
0800 Cleaned boat, very hot. Final pics on boat.
0830 Waiting in restaurant for coffee then breakfast. Waiter confused by girls ordering meals not on the menu and talking all at the same time. Need to sort out transport to airport.
1100 Arrived in Primosten to kill time until flight. Girls shopping, boys sitting on sea wall.
1200 Returned to bar of last night to meet girls. Mary and Chris shopping. Very hot!
1300 Stopped walking at a windward restaurant. Somehow ordered Beefburger and chips then got involved in a bidding war which culminated in all having thick tomato soup... How! I don't like beefburgers! Roger informs us that he does like Gordon Brown for the third time.
1400 Picked up by Marina bus. Showered and watched new people take over Draco. The weather in UK is damp.
1800 Journey, check in was accomplished in 30 minutes. Flight was on time. Too good to last! Waited on runway for 90 minutes for incoming aircraft, which was in trouble to land. Then had to refuel and recalculate take off data as there had been a wind shift. This delay will probably cause problems at Bristol International Airport, but I have every faith that their crack team will slickly roll into action and we will be diverted to Cardiff!!!Wonder if Elaine's Paracetamol have kicked in.

Home safe and sound 2330. Great holiday.

Tuesday 19 June 2007

15 June Kremin Marina Last Stop

Log 684.1
0700 Awake it is starting to hot up earlier just as it did the last time we were in Croatia. They like their bells here, Mary counted 250 rings. This was repeated later in the morning. Need to select choices from menu for tonight, I don't know what I will feel like then.
1030 Breakfast in the Marina. Briefing SE to Kremic Marina where we finally leave the boats
1100 Wind increasing from 3 to 5 on the nose bashing into the waves after initially trying to sail but abandoned this as it was too uncomfortable.
1400 Entered bay after watching Sanibel go crashing by on full sail. They had engine trouble.
1430 Lunch on dragging anchor then followed the lead boat in.
1500 Cleaned boat very hot little breeze.
Memories - Rog saying 'Over and out' Mary offering herself to the fleet by saying 'Where do you want me' Chris - 'Roger demanding in the race that "We must get the whores out' Rog being asked by a German why he was running his engine when moored. "To recharge the batteries as the fridge was on". Ah he said 'Just like the U boat. Chris borrowing my bum cream after a Mexican Chili. Helping Elaine into her trousers with a system of pulleys and levers 'They did fit once!'
1700 Chara into Primosten, it has changed dramatically. Memories of Cole-Morgan mounting a revolt with past flotilla about high charges. He upset a woman who said she did not like him. She later apologised.
Primosten, Fortuna bar outside, cool breeze, drinking Bavaria beer with team. Discussion about a dinner party where people were checked if they were a complete man. Trevor Helen won being uncircumcised and not snipped. The virginity of the girls posed a problem.
2100 Prize giving. Mel, bowlin mounted on board. Bob, super hero, power rangers. Self, toy radios Rog, Wooden Cup.

14 June Kremic

Log 684.1
0700 Despite moving away from quay, Draco grounded on her rudder during the night.
1100 Bad start in race not helped by boats who don't know their port from starboard. During beat the Kaprijski Kanal girls did lunch. Crisps flying like confetti. Mary at the wheel.
1500 Pegasus were first. We were third from last. Decided not to protest ?.
1800 Drinks on Draco then drinks in the marina bar followed by some sort of Mexican meal in town. Odd place with parrots and junk everywhere.
2100 Bed

13 June Tisno on Murter

Log 668.6
0700 Kept awake by buoy knocking on the side of the boat despite adjusting it twice in the night. Mary missing her own bed.
0900 Destination Tisno on Murter to have a meal ashore. Wind SW 2 clear sky getting hot. Sailing up the west side of Kakan around Tetovisnjak to anchorage on mainland for lunch.
1100 Porpoise sighted by Pegasus. Seat overboard as not locked on and when I stood up from the helm knocked it in the water. Efficiently rescued by the crew.
1400 Finally moored in Jezera bay just outside Tisno for lunch after disturbing Alan at his lunch stop. Pegasus in Tisno. Elaine is re enacting "The" Birds by Daphne de Meuria (s) by feeding the gulls. What was the lead blonde's name in the Hitchcock film and what did Hitchcock have a weakness for? Required to wait until 1500 before entering the marina.
1545 Mary moored stern to using the bower anchor. Pegasus next to a German boat that has laid its anchor over Pegasus. Its a buffet tonight.
1700 Went to watch lifting bridge, only happens twice a day, Met Bob and Laurie en route and he was boasting that his camera was so fast he actually got a picture of Laurie with his mouth closed. He than ran!
1745 Very hot, girls getting their best frocks on.
2130 Buffet meal preceded by a punch party in The Seagull restaurant. Wrote greeting in a visitors book, Min wrote in Welsh.

12 June Sibenik and Kaprije

Log 634.3
0700 Awake, getting warm
0800 Retrieve boat papers, £35 per night.
0900 Briefing- Refuel at Sibenik then on to town quay for repairs to aerials on both boats.
1130 Moored on town quay following refueling, going for walk around town.
1400 Walked up to old fort, lunch then returned to boat. Pegasus has a man up the mast
1500 RR headed SW to round the S end of Zmajan or Obajam. We tried W to round N of Zmajan then down E of Kaprije.
1645 Picked up a buoy in Kaprije Rog still out. Left the shore mooring for him as Min not happy in rubber duck. One restaurant, will eat on the boat. Have been told there will be a dinghy race. Mary drawing, Elaine reading and Mike writing his log.
1800 Raft race me rowing blindfolded, Mary directing around boats then change rower. We were gloriously last after being water bombed by James and sundry. Took nice pics of Mary on the stern.
2100 Meal on board, salad, fresh fruit. Elaine moaning that Mike was no longer romantic to her. Mike says he shows his affection by patting her bottom now and then. Chris asks from Pegasus what we were going to do tonight and we said "Watch Holby City, walk the dog and bed with a book"
2145 Chocolate, coffee then bed, Bliss!

11 June Kirka Falls

Log 634.3
0900 Walked to Kirka Falls with Mike, Elaine, Min, Mary and Rog. Lots of butterflies, dragonflies, birds, toads, lizards and other underfoot animals. Took about 40 minutes, the rest went by boat. Assembled at the entrance and then went for coffee.
1000 Walked to the top of the falls, very beautiful and very well laid out. Thousands of fish, insect and bird life together with frogs and snakes. Lovely! I walked a circular route down over a form of duckboard walk way, some took a boat further up river to a Monastry and some returned the original way.
1100 Met at lower falls and self, Mary, Jim and Elaine went for a swim. Super. Sat under the falls for a water massage and swam in fresh water.
A grand day out!
1600 James said the RT could not be fixed here will try and do it in Sibenik when we refuel. He repaired our deck brush.
1930 Meal in town RR and I have a mutual friend Jack Vokes.
2330 Book and bed,